

12:48 PM tibazetuasili 0 Comments

Cartoon  kwa watoto ndio kitu pekee wakipendacho, wazazi wengi hutumia muda wao kuwaridhisha watoto wao kwa kuwapa fursa na wao kuangalia TV ukizingatia vipindi vingi kwao vinakuwa na makatazo au maudhui ya kiumri, suluhisho pekee la mtoto nayeye kuinjoi TV ni kuangalia CARTOOONS.

JE UNAJUA CARTOONS zinatengenezwaje? leo nimekuletea mchoraji mahili wa kampuni maarufu ya utengenezaji wa filamu kwa watoto DISNEY FILM ameeleza kinaga ubaga ni jinsi gani utengeneza wa filamu hizo za watoto unavyokuwa , ama kwa hakika unastajabisha kama si kushangaza au kusikitisha hii ndio dunia ukistaajabu ya Musa utayaona ya Firauuni.

Its Masoud Shakur..........




11:45 AM tibazetuasili 0 Comments

7 Habits Of Natural Leaders.

Successful leadership, like happiness, is one of those things that everyone claims to have the "secret" to. There are more than 27,000 leadership books on Amazon, thousands of seminars on leadership skills held in conference rooms across the country, and countless articles in business magazines and websites pruning leadership lessons from CEOs and corporate movers and shakers.

But leadership isn't just about sitting at the top of the corporate ladder and running the show -- it's a way of engaging with your social network, community, colleagues and employees to share a vision and unite people in pursuit of a common goal. Good leadership brings out the best individual qualities of everyone participating.

So what does it actually mean to be a good leader? There are many different ways of leading, but great leaders have a few important habits that anyone can cultivate in themselves.
Here are seven habits of natural-born leaders.

They dare to fail.

"The difference between winners and losers is how they handle losing," Harvard Business School professor Rosabeth Moss Kanter wrote in Harvard Business Reviewlast year.

Resilience -- the ability to effectively cope with losing, failing, and not getting what you want -- is an important quality for anyone to cultivate in order to achieve success and well-being, but for leaders, it's essential. To lead well is to risk failure, and resilience helps leaders to bounce back from the inevitable hardships and setbacks that risk necessitates.

Failure can work powerfully in either one of two ways: It can be the greatest teacher and motivator for future success, or it can keep you from ever taking a risk (and hence achieving something great) again. Great leaders know this well, and they've learned to use failure, as Arianna Huffington puts it, "as a stepping stone to success."

Huffington, the editor-in-chief of The Huffington Post, says that great leaders "dare to fail" -- just read the biography of any leader you admire, and you'll find a story of failure.

"When I ran for governor of California in 2003, it was a failure--but I learned a tremendous amount about the power of the Internet," Huffington said in a conversation with Inc. "I also learned a lot about myself, about communicating, being able to touch people's hearts and minds, and listening. All the things that were ingrained in me during the campaign definitely had an impact in forming The Huffington Post."

They follow their purpose.

"Apple's core value is we believe that people with passion can change the world," Steve Jobs said at a 1997 internal meeting on Apple's "Think Different" ad campaign. "And that those people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who actually do."

Watching Jobs address employees, it's impossible not to feel his intense passion and purpose. The ad campaign, which celebrates people throughout history who have expressed that same drive and passion, "touches the soul of the company," Jobs said.

"I don't think there is another company on earth that could have done this ad," he added.

Purpose drives the greatest leaders, like Jobs, to create a meaningful product or accomplish a goal that transcends the company's bottom line -- and to think of the company as having not just a bottom line, but also a "soul." In doing so, they inspire their employees to work to their highest potential to fulfill their larger vision.

"Purpose leaders don’t manage; they mesmerize. They don’t execute initiatives; they lead crusades. Their brands are not labels but flags that should evoke the kind of patriotism we have for the countries we live in," Joey Reiman, CEO of BrightHouse,wrote in The Story of Purpose: The Path to Creating a Brighter Brand, a Greater Company, and a Lasting Legacy. "These leaders want to change the way the planet works -- or as Apple’s Steve Jobs is widely quoted saying, 'to make a dent in the universe.'"

They give.

There are three types of people in this world, according to organizational psychologist Adam Grant: Givers (those who prioritize helping others), takers (those who help themselves) and matchers (those who seek equal benefit for self and other). After investigating years' worth of psychological studies as well as conducting his own research, Grant concluded that givers are the most successful.

"Givers bring out the best in others," Grant told Business Insider in April. "One big part of that is seeing more potential in people than they see in themselves. Givers are often looking at the people around them as diamonds in the rough, investing in such a way that they're able to allow these people to achieve greater potential than they thought possible."

Givers also become role models and change behavior norms for the group, Grant explains, making others more likely to help each other and share knowledge -- which can ultimately contribute to an environment of greater creativity and innovation.

They give themselves a break.

What do Marissa Mayer, Richard Branson, Sheryl Sandberg and Michelle Obama have in common? These highly successful leaders all insist on taking regular vacations. Cisco CTO Padmasree Warrior -- who oversaw more than 22,000 employees in her previous role at Cisco -- makes time for meditation every day, and does a digital detox every Saturday so that she comes back to work every Monday feeling ready to tackle the week ahead with a sense of calm clarity.

Great leaders have ambitious goals, and they work hard to achieve them. But they also know that workaholism and burnout won't get them very far, so they take time to rest and recharge in order to boost their creativity and mental sharpness. It's difficult to be an effective leader when you're burnt out, sleep deprived, and addicted to your smartphone. Taking regular personal time -- whether it's a daily yoga practice, Saturday tech sabbatical, or twice-annual vacation -- keeps leaders mentally sharp and ready to take on new challenges.

For some leaders, like Virgin Group CEO Richard Branson, vacations can even provide an unexpected source of business inspiration.

"When you go on vacation, your routine is interrupted; the places you go and the new people you meet can inspire you in unexpected ways," Branson told Entrepreneur. "As an entrepreneur or business leader, if you didn't come back from your vacation with some ideas about how to shake things up, it's time to consider making some changes."

They really listen.

Bill Clinton has a startlingly simple secret to success: the former president gives everyone he meets his full, undivided attention. Countless anecdotes about Clinton suggest that his legendary charisma stems from the full focus he gives to every person he meets, and it's made him one of the greatest political communicators in recent history.

Clinton was known, during his early career, for connecting with the people he was leading, looking them in the eye, and listening to what they had to say. He embodied an important trait of great natural leaders: They genuinely care about others, and no matter how busy they are, they always give people the time of day.

"All my life I’ve been interested in other people’s stories," Clinton wrote in his autobiography My Life. "I wanted to know them, understand them, feel them."

Clinton's superior powers of attention only highlight to our larger cultural "attention deficit" that can have a significant negative impact on the way we communicate and interact with others. Paying attention to people might not sound too difficult, but consider how often we actually do this. Technology has contributed to a decline of eye contact, and multitasking has become so much the norm that we often check our email or text while conversing with others. Even when we're not multitasking, research suggests that we only give people roughly a third of our attention -- but a great leader knows that everyone they work with deserves more than that.

They seek out new experiences and ways of thinking.

In a competitive and rapidly changing world, creativity is an increasingly important quality for leaders to cultivate to keep their businesses or ventures ahead of the curve. A creative leader is one who keeps an open mind.

Openness to experience -- one of the "big five" domains of personality in psychology, a trait characterized by intellectual curiosity and an intense drive for cognitive exploration -- is the personality trait most associated with creative achievement.Research in organizational psychology has also found that it's one of the personality traits most associated with leadership, trumped only be extraversion and neuroticism.

Leaders need to have a flexible and fluid mindset to adapt to changes and new challenges, which is fostered by being open to new perspectives and ways of doing things. This is one of the reasons Silicon Valley entrepreneurs love Burning Man so much -- the annual art and counterculture festival in the Nevada desert is a breeding ground for unusual ideas and experiences.

But great leaders don't have to hit the desert to keep coming up with innovative ideas and strategies. They simply make a practice of keeping their minds open and explorative, or as Steve Jobs put it, making their "bag of experiences" as large as possible.

They empathize with others.

We don't often think of empathy as being a characteristic of the American workplace. But leaders who are kind and empathetic -- who truly care about the people who work for them -- are some of the most effective managers out there, inspiring others and naturally drawing people to their side. A leader who displays empathy is better equipped to connect with others and understand their perspectives. In turn, they are able to call on these relationships for support when they need it.

Jayson Boyers, vice president of continuing professional studies at Champlain College, goes so far as to argue that empathy is the single strongest force that moves businesses forward.

"Successful people do not operate alone; each of us needs the support of others to achieve positive results that push us toward our goals," Boyers writes in Forbes. "True empathy combines understanding both the emotional and the logical rationale that goes into every decision."

If you're a leader looking to develop your emotional intelligence skills, Google's Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute offers some exercises for cultivating kindness and empathy in the workplace.






12:03 PM tibazetuasili 0 Comments

Mwana Azanialumni2000 wengi huumiza vichwa kutafuta Business Idea kwa ajili ya kuanzisha biashara leo NIMEKULETEA LISTI YA FURSA ZA BIASHARA NA MIRADI MBALIMBALI kaa chini set your goal weka nia anza safari sasa,

1. Kununua Mashine za kukoroga zege na kukodisha. 
2. Kununua Mashine za kukata vyuma na kuzikodisha.
3. Kutengeneza na kuuza tofali 
4. Ufundi, Website updating/Database: Katika Halmashauri, Manispaa, Mashule, Wizara, Wilaya na Makampuni mbalimbali. 
5. Kuanzisha kituo cha redio na televisheni 
6. Kufunga na kutengeneza vifaa mbalimbali vya electroniki na mawasiliano mfano; compyuta na vifaa vya compyuta na mawasiliano. 
7. Kuuza software; mfano Antivirus, Operating Systems, Pastel, Tally, Myob, n.k 
8. Kushona na kuuza nguo.
9. Kufungua Duka la kuuza nguo mpya; suit, socks, batiki, nguo za asili, Mashuka, Mashati, Suruali, 10. Ufugaji wa mifugo mbalimbali mfano Kondoo, Mbuzi, Ng’ombe, Kuku, Bata, na wengine. 
11. Kufungua stationery, kuuza (supply) vitabu na vifaa mbalimbali ktk mashule na vyuo. 
12. Kutoa ushauri mbalimbali wa Kitaalamu.
13. Kuuza viazi, mahindi, mihogo, kutengeneza popcorn na kuziuza. 
14. Kusajili namba za simu na kuuza vocha 
15. Kuwa na mradi wa Pikipiki zisizotumia mafuta na zinazotumia mafuta 
16. Kilimo cha mazao mbalimbali kulingana na hali ya hewa ya sehemu husika. 
17. Kuuza Mitumba 
18. Kusimamia miradi mbalimbali 
19. Kufungua duka la kuuza mitambo mbalimbali 
20. Kufungua banda la chakula na chips 
21. Kukodisha turubai viti na meza 
22. Kufungua Supermarket 
23. Kufungua Saluni 
24. Kufungua Bucha 
25. Video Shooting & Editing. 
26. Kufungua Internet cafe 2
7. Duka la kuuza matunda 
28. Kufungua duka la kuuza vifaa vya simu za mkononi na landline.
29. Kufungua duka la vifaa vya ujenzi; cement, vifaa vya umeme, duka la mabati 
30. Kutengeneza michoro mbalimbali ya majumba na miradi ya ICT 
31. Kuchapa vitabu, bronchures, n.k 
32. Kuanzisha kampuni ya ujenzi (Building contractor) 
33. Kuuza Vifaa vya umeme wa nishati ya jua (solar) ,battery, inverter na vifaa vingine vya solar n.k 34. ** Kuuza maji kwa jumla na rejaleja. 
35. Kutengeneza na kuuza Unga wa lishe bora. 
36. Kukodisha Music 
37. Kuanzisha Mradi wa Taxi 
38. Kuanzisha mradi wa Daladala 
39. Kuuza vifaa vya Kompyuta, laptops, converters, HDDs, Monitors, Softwares, CD Copiers na vifaa vingine. 
40. Kununua magenerator na kukodisha 
41. Kufungua kampuni ya kutoa huduma za simu 
42. Kufungua kampuni ya kutoa huduma za internet (ISP) 
43. Kuuza mabati na vigae 
44. Kujenga apartments 
45. Kufungua Kisima cha mafuta ya taa au mafuta ya aina zote 
46. Kufungua Duka la samaki 
47. Kufungua Duka la nafaka 
48. Kufungua Shule za Awali, Shule za Msingi, Sekondari na Vyuo. 
49. Kujenga hostel 
50. Kuuza vocha na ving’amuzi vya DStv, Zuku, Startimes, Easy TV, TNG, Digitech, Continental. 51. ** · Kujenga mtambo wa kuzalisha umeme na kuuza katika viwanda na wananchi. 

52. Ufundi simu 
53. Kufungua Hospitali, Zahanati. 
54. Maabara ya Macho, Meno 
55. ** Kuchimba/Kuuza Madini 
56. ** Kufungua ofisi ya kutoa huduma ya simu na fax 
57. Kuuza miti na mbao 
58. Kufungua Grocery 
59. Kufungua studio ya kupiga na kusafisha picha 
60. ** Kucharge simu/battery 
61. Duka la TV na vifaa vingine 
62. Kuanzisha biashara ya kuuza vyakula katika sherehe na tamasha mbalimbali (catering). 
63. Banda la kupigisha simu 
64. Kuuza na kushona Uniform za shule 
65. Kuanzisha duka la kuuza vitu kwa jumla.
 66. Kufungua gereji za kutengeneza bajaji, pikipiki na magari 
67. Kuuza vyuma, pembejeo, rake, jembe 68. Kuuza fanicha 
69. Kufungua sehemu ya kuziba pancha za matairi ya magari na mitambo. 
70. Kujenga nyumba za kulala wageni (hotel) 71. Kuagiza na kuuza vifaa vya aluminium. 
72. Kuuza vioo 
73. Kushona na kukodisha nguo za harusi 
74. Kufungua yard kwa ajili ya kuosha magari 
75. Kuuza mashine za kuchomelea (welding machine). 
76. Kuuza vifaa vya kuvaa Site (boots, helmets etc) 
77. Kununua mabasi kwa ajili ya kusafirisha wanafunzi 
78. Kufungua studio ya kutengeneza vipindi vya redio na televisheni 
79. Kuanzisha ofisi ya michezo ya televisheni (TV Games) 
80. Kufungua benki 81. Kuwa na malori ya kubeba kokoto na mchanga 
82. Kuuza vifaa mfano TV, CCTV Camera, n.k 
83. Kuwa dalali wa vitu mbalimbali 
84. Kuanzisha mradi wa kukodisha fork lift na winchi (crane) 
85. Kuanzisha kiwanda cha kutengeneza viatu. 
86. Kuanzisha viwanda mbalimbali 
87. Duka la vifaa vya simu na gadgets mbalimbali zinazoendana na mawasiliano ya Vodacom, TTCL, AIRTEL, TIGO, ZANTEL, n.k. 
88. Kujenga Ukumbi wa kukodisha kwa sherehe, mikutano mbalimbali 
89. Kununua matrekta, mitambo ya ujenzi wa barabara na kukodisha 
90. Kutengeneza antenna na kuuza 
91. Kufungua mradi wa Machine za kusafisha, kutoboa na kuchana mbao 
92. Kufungua mradi wa kuuza vifaa vya Umeme wa kutumia upepo 
93. Biashara ya kuagiza magari 
94. Kufanya biashara za Jukebox 
95. Kukodisha matenki ya maji** 
96. Kufungua duka la kuuza Asali 
97. Kutengeneza Mikokoteni/ matoroli na kuikodisha 
98. Kufungua Duka la vinyago, batiki 
99. Kuanzisha huduma ya AIRTEL MONEY, MPESA, TIGOPESA, EZY PESA 
100.Kuanzisha sehemu ya kufanyia mazoezi (Gym). 
101. Kununua na kuuza vifaa vya kupima ardhi. 
102. Kufungua duka la kuuza dawa (pharmacy). 
103. Kufungua Kampuni ya Ulinzi 
104. Kufungua kampuni ya "Clearing and fowarding" 
105. Kuchezesha vikaragosi 
106. Kuuza spea za bajaji, magari na pikipiki 
107. Kuuza baiskeli 
108. Kuuza magodoro 
109. Kuuza vyombo mbalimbali kwa ajili ya matumizi ya nyumbani mfano bakuli, sahani, vikombe, vijiko, 
110. Kuuza marumaru (limestones) 
111. Kuuza kokoto 
112. Kuuza mchanga 
113. Kufundisha Tuisheni 
114. Biashara za bima 
115. Kampuni ya kusafirisha abiria kwa njia ya anga (ndege) 
116. Biashara za kitalii 
117. Biashara za meli na maboti. 
118. Kampuni ya kuchimba visima 
119. Kufungua ofisi ya wakili/mawakili wa kujitegemea 
120. Kuuza mkaa 
121. Kutengeneza mashine za kutengeneza tofali 
122. Kampuni ya kupima ardhi 
123. Kampuni ya magazeti 
124. Kuchapa (printing) magazeti 
125. Kuuza magazeti
126. Kuchimba mafuta 
127. Kiwanda cha kutengeneza mabati 
128. Kiwanda cha kutengeneza fanicha 
129. Kiwanda cha kutengeneza matairi 
130. Kutengeneza vitanda vya chuma 
131. Kununua nyumba katika Maghorofa (Apartments) na kuzikodisha. 
132. Kukodisha makapeti 
133. Kupamba maharusi na kumbi za harusi/sherehe. 
134. Mashine ya kusaga na kukoboa nafaka. 
135. Kazi ya ususi na kusafisha kucha. 
136. Kuuza Gypsum 
137. Malori ya kubeba mafuta na Mizigo 
138. Duka la kuuza mboga za majani 
139. Duka la kuuza maua. 
140. Kampuni ya kuzoa takataka 
141. Kampuni ya kuuza magari 
142. Kuuza viwanja 
143. Uvuvi 
144. Kutengeneza na kuuza nguzo za kujengea fensi 
145. Uchoraji wa mabango. 
146. Duka la kuuza silaha 
147. Ukumbi wa kuonesha mpira 
148. Biashara ya mlm (network marketing) 
149. Yadi kwa ajili ya kupaki magari 
150. Mradi wa trekta za kukodisha kwa ajili ya kilimo





11:24 AM tibazetuasili 0 Comments

Kati hali inayopelekea kuhatarisha uhai wa mto Pangani kufuatia wavamizi waliojitokeza kando kando ya mto huo ambao wanaendesha shughuli za kilimo na wengine kudiriki kuchimba mabwawa makubwa kwa ajili ya ufugaji samaki kinyume na taratibu za hifadhi za mto huo, Serikali imetoa onyo kali na kuahidi kuwachukulia hatua kali wale wote watakaobainika kuendesha shughuli kinyume na hifadhi za mto Pangani, Wizara ya Maliasili na Utalii pamoja Wizara ya Nishati na Madini zinavyosema.

Meneja wa Tanesco vituo vya umeme vya  Hane , Nyumba ya Mungu na Pangani Mhandisi John Skauti akizungumza kupitia kituo cha TV cha  Channel Ten amesema kina cha maji katika bwawa la Nyumba ya mungu kinazidi kupungua siku hadi siku kutokana na Mabepari hao waliojitokeza kando kando ya mto na kuitaka serikali kuchukua juhudi za haraka kupambana na Ujangiri huo mara moja hali inayopelekea kuhatarisha uzalishaji wa umeme katika kituo hicho kupungua kutoka Mega Watts 100 hadi 24 kitu kinachopelekea kuliingiza Taifa gizani bila sababu za msingi.

Afisa Msimamzi wa Bonde la Mto Pangani Bwana Vanderine Baso anayeshughulikia matumizi ya maji ya mto Pangani naye ameitaka Serikali kuwachukulia hatua kali wale wote walio kando kando ya mto huo na wenye matumzi makubwa kupita kiwango ambao wanahatarisha uhai wa Mto Pangani watafutwe na wafikishwe sehemu husika kama itabahinika wanafanya shughuli hizo kinyume na taratibu.

Ushauri kwa Viongozi na Azaniaalumni 2000 kuachana na michakato iliyokuwa inaendelea ya kununua Ardhi Pembezoni mwa Mto huo kusitishwa mara moja kwani hali halisi ya Bonde hilo imeshaanza kutia mashaka kufuatia onyo hilo kutoka mamlaka husika.

AZANIAALUMNI2000 FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




12:17 PM tibazetuasili 1 Comments

"Pangani kulala na njaa kupenda " ndio kauli mbio yetu sote, twende Pangani, wana Azaniaalumni tunaombwa kutupia mchango wa kukuza uchumi kiasi chochote kile ulicho jaaliwa ili kutimiza adhima ya kujiinua kiuchumi ili tuweze kununua Ardhi iliyopo pangani yenye ukubwa wa ekari 33 kwa gharama ya Tsh 20M.

 Kwa mujibu wa timu iliyotembelea eneo hilo ndugu Ntimi Mwakipake, Mwinyi Hassani,  Ayubu Misheli na Allan Rwechungura eneo hilo ni HOT CAKE  lenye rutuba tele na lililo  pembezoni mwa mto Pangani ,eneo lina hati miliki zote za kiserikali na linafikika kwa njia zote za usafiri, TUPIA TPB  TWENDE PANGANI.

Eneo hilo pia limepakana na Shamba kubwa la Bepari mmoja aliyebobea kwenye kilimo cha umwagiliaji wa kisasa kitu ambacho kitaleta changamoto za kupata ujuzi kama Azaniaalumni wataamua kuwekeza kwenye kilimo, vilevile eneo linafaa kwa uwekezaji wa ufugaji wa samaki kitu ambacho Azania alumni wanajivunia kuwa na Mtaalam wa Ufugaji Afrika Mashariki ndugu Ayubu Misheli.

JE ni nani tunayemtaka aje ili atuwezeshe kulichukua eneo hilo potential kwa faida zetu kama sio sisi wenyewe wana AZAPOUND?





11:02 PM tibazetuasili 0 Comments

Kamati ya Uchumi na Maendeleo ya Azaniaalumni 2000 tar 02/10/15 hadi 03/10/15 iliendesha Online Meeting kwa siku mbili kupitia Whatsapp kuhusiana na uwekezaji, Agenda kuu ilikuwa ni kujadili kipi kati ya SACCOS na ARDHI kipewe kipaumbele katika hatua hizi za mwanzo za Azaniaalumni 2000 katika kujikwamua kiuchumi.

Mjadala ulikuwa mkali sana wajumbe walipata nafasi ya kutoa mawazo yao kuhusu Ajenda  hiyo, wapo waliosema SACCOS ndio kimbilio la wengi na baadhi wakisema ARDHI ni madini yasio oza ama kwa hakika mjadala ulileta changamoto kubwa.

Majibu ya Mjadala huo kipi kianze kati ya SACCOS au ARDHI ama vyote kwa pamoja utaamuliwa na kamati ya Uchumi na Maendeleo baada ya kukaa na kujadili kwa kina mapendekezo ya wajumbe wote waliochangia. Usipitwe na majibu hayo endelea kutembelea www.azaniaalumni2000.blogspot.com kwa habari zaidi.